Sunday, January 11, 2009

Winterslow Changes

I awoke this morning to a changed Winterslow - the deep frost had departed and the temperature had risen to a mild 5 degrees C. The day started with a most beautiful sunrise - one of the best I've seen in a long time - a deep orange as though there was a massive forest fire in the nearby Clarendon Forest - and there was a fresh ESE wind blowing. I hoisted the St. George's flag on the garden pole which immediately fluttered majestically. After a hurried breakfast the whole family attended the Clarendon Team Eucharist Service at All Saints in Winterslow which was the first occasion on which the new Team Priest/Vicar, Elizabeth preached. She has made a great impression on us already and we all look forward to working with her over the coming years. A really new era for the church here.

We had a full house for lunch with our friend Klynn and his three daughters and our friend Dawn sharing the roast chicken meal. Good food, wine, excellent company and conversation made this a very relaxing and enjoyable event. Whether it was the warmer weather and sunshine, or the uplifting church service I am not quite sure (probably both) but we all seemed to be in good spirits with much laughter and chat. It really did remind me of how lucky we are to live in such a wonderful place.

1 comment:

  1. I too enjoyed the wine and company...and yes we are blessed!
