Sunday, December 04, 2011

Morning in Cleethorpes

woke up this morning at around .30 p.m. and once more made tea for Mum and myself.  Mum cooked a breakfast of sausage bacon and eggs for us both (Tom didn't have the egg) and mid-moning we drove into Cleethopres to deliver the rest of the Christmas cards.  I stopped off and spoke to an old friend, Ken, when I called to deliver his card in Clee Road.  It was bitterly cold as we stood at his gate chatting.  After driving along the seafront and delivering a card to my namesake cousin, Michael Barratt, we called in at my Aunt's and delivered her Christmas hamper.  She was absolutely delighted with the present and was also thrilled to see Sara's Calendar.  She and Uncle Harry J bought three and were very generous in their donation to Sara's charity.  Poor Mim, both her grandchildren are suffering from brain tumours and grandson-in-law is to have a much needed kidney transplant in early January.  We left Mim's at around 12.15 p.m. to go back to Mum's for a roast pork lunch - very delicious.  Tom and I left about 2.30 p.m. for the journey back down to Wiltshire and journeyed along the A18 and then A15 down to Lincoln.  The traffic on the Lincoln By-pass was horrofic, with long jams.  We were stuck and the end of a long line of traffic at the Doddington roundabout when a car coming out of Lincoln struck the back of a car with a glancing blow as it tried to force its way between my car and the one following us.  We were both stationary when the car hit us.  The car didn't stop and disappeared into the gloom towards Doddington.  I pulled over at the next available layby (having written down the registration number of the offending car).  The damge looked light, I was able to push a panel on the offside into its slot and the offending car seemd to have deposited its paint on my bumper but no obvious damage that I could see.  We continued on our journey and eventually returned back to Winterslow at just after 7.30 p.m.  After calling Mum in Grimsby to say we had got back safely, I went down to the Lion's Head for a couple of pints with Richard who was anxious to catch up with news as we have not seen much of each other this week apart from House Group.
Will have another closer look at my car tomorrow morning in daylight.

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