Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ministering to the Homeless

The usual start to the day - up early, cup of tea, trip to Nether Wallop with Thom.  Sara did her stint at Morning Star, making sandwiches for the banquet run whilst I stayed at home to await a parcel - some clothes for Thom to take with him on holiday.  I also checked on details of our flights and currency situation.  I went into Salisbury this morning and did an hour's stint as chaplain at the drop-in centre.  Very quiet today which gave me an opportunity to read a couple of interesting articles in Christianity magazine about some of these dubious prosperity TV preachers/evangelists.  I become very sceptical about those who have so much money and private jets.  Whilst their meetings are free to attend the offerings made seem to be obscene and I think their whole philosophy is based on very dodgy theology.  As I left the Centre I met one of my "client's" friends who would later be eating the sandwiches which Sara has made this morning.  I recognized the New York Mets logo on his baseball cap and asked him if he really supported the "Mets".  He was astounded but pleased that I recognised it for what it was, and not a Yankees' hat as so many had. He did indeed support the Mets as he had lived in the states for many years and had a family in Florida.  We struck up a conversation about American baseball and football and I have to thank Thom for giving me this interest which proved so useful in gaining the trust and respect of one of those homeless people to whom I am now ministering. It goes to show that no knowledge is wasted, After my stint, I visited M&S and topped up our dollar currency and also went into Vodaphone to check the situation regarding the cost of phoning and receiving calls from outside Europe.  It was recommended that I switch off the mobile phone but use free Wi-Fi wherever possible.  Our apartment has Wi-Fi so we should be okay if I take my small netbook with me.  I shall do this in any event so I can continue to write up this blog and journal. torrential rain again this morning (which followed on from the violent thunderstorm we had yesterday evening).  Tonight I attended a special committee meeting of the Parish Council to discuss budgets.  This will go before the full Council next month but it does appear we shall have some spare money which we can put to use in some special way.

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