Sunday, February 10, 2013

New piano arrives

I took the service at West Dean this morning - Morning Worship - with a congregation of 11.  Unfortunately, due to an error in the local parish magazine, the service had been advertised as being at 11 a.m. and not 9.30 a.m. and so I was later to discover that a few people had turned up at 10.45 a.m. for the service after we had finished, had coffee and left.  I enjoyed taking the service, however, and reading out the banns of marriage for two couples.  My sermon was based on the Transfiguration and seemed to engender some interest - particularly my quote from Winston Churchill - “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm!".   We finished at around 10.20 a.m. with a short time for coffee afterwards.  Always a delight to take the service there.  Afterwards, we visited Sophie's quickly to pick up the digital piano with which we are replacing the old upright.  Once home I cleaned it up and assembled it in the family room.  I shall really enjoying playing it - it can sound like a grand piano, an electric piano, a harpsichord or strings.  some great effects and useful for writing music.  This afternoon I spent an hour with Morning Star putting together a nomination for the Deanery Mission Project. Finally got it completed and emailed it off to the Deanery Secretary.  I dressed the crab I had bought on the market later this afternoon-  It took about an hour but at the end of it I had twice the amount of meat from this £3 crab than I would have by paying £6.95 in Waitrose for an already dressed one.  The meat was beautifully fresh too.  Fresh crab sandwiches for tea!  Tonight we were two down for the Pub Quiz (Richard and David) and so Thom joined James and me as a team calling ourselves by a different  name, "We'll give 'em a chance". I actually hoped that we might not win this evening as it gets increasingly embarrassing. But it wasn't to be!  We managed to win by a margin of 6 points and I have to thank Thom for being able to answer at least 6 questions which neither James nor I could have answered. So we came home with two bottles of wine this evening!

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