Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday - A day of prayer. .... AND REST?

Sundays are certainly never days of rest in the Barratt Household. We awoke to having three children in the house, Tom, Mary and Molly. Molly also sings in the choir with Mary so we agreed to take her to church with us where we would hand her back to her mother, Sarah, who is also in the choir. I cooked the children "Eggy-Bread" with Baked Beans for breakfast having simple toast and a few left over beans for myself. Sara ate nothing. We went to church in two separate cars as I was to take Tom to Laverstock for a match against Laverstock FC Under 12s at their home ground. I was also the Intercessor this morning and needed to get to church early in case there were any new names on the sick or bereaved list. Fortunately there were none nor any major plane crashes or other major disasters overnight. I could therefore use the intercessions I had written yesterday morning. Nils and Cynthia took the service with a really excellent sermon from Nils. It was very encouraging to see two of our Alpha Group with us who have not been regular churchgoers. I am convinced that Alpha is a really powerful ministry. I have got a lot out of it myself and am sure it must have a strong message for those "unchurched" people who venture onto the course. Afterwards they both came up and said the intercessions had really seemed to speak on their behalf and covered all they were thinking and wanted to pray. It is very gratifying to know that as it makes it all worthwhile. Leaving church after coffee, Tom and I drove over to Laverstock where Clarendon Juniors played a really brilliant game, winning 3-1. Tom scored the second goal for CJFC. A lovely finish. We had a light lunch of chicken noodle soup and Sara's home made bread before Mary and I went off to Basingstoke to Planet Ice for some more ice skating. Once more I didn't fall over and feel much more confident on the ice - especially after about half an hour. Mary zoomed over the rink and frequently overtook poor lumbering me. She has a grace and agility about her commonly seen in only well practised dancers and skaters. I am sure her ballet has helped. I would really like to encourage her to skate to a high standard - it is great fun too! Back home for roast chicken dinner before Tom went off to Rockface - the Christian Youth Group. He loves it so much. Mary also helped glean my rather grubby car too - 25p per wheel! Tonight I had a lovely bath - to ease the aches and pains of skating! - and read up on some law for an important meeting tomorrow in London. As I ran the water for the bath I had a nice chat with Mum in Grimsby discussing the state of the Mariners and Saints football teams after yesterday and the state of her health. She seems in good spirits and will see the doctor again tomorrow. We think he will have some good news regarding a test she recently had. Now for a nice cup of coffee as I write this blog before a relatively early night to bed.

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