Thursday, June 04, 2009

Removing the plank from the eye!!

My plans to go to Dorking today were shattered when Sara announced, on waking, that she had something in her eye which was scratching her right eyeball badly, that she couldn't see through it, that it was causing her pain and that as she had broken her spectacles she was unable to see anything! Quite a mess! We needed to get Mary and Molly to school and I would have to take Sara into Salisbury, either the optician or the A&E Unit at Salisbury General Hospital. Having dropped off the girls, I drove us into the city. Apparently some friends of ours were very concerned as they had seen me linking arms with Sara at the school and she seemed in a state as she appeared to be crying! We managed to get Sara an immediate appointment with David, the jovial and slightly eccentric optician, who removed a small piece of debris from her eye after checking over her sight and prescribing some long distance vision spectacles. "Cas", our friend who is a technician at the opticians, chose a lovely pair of Karen Millen spectacles which look really good on her. We had to wait one and a half hours for them to be ready so we had a coffee and pastry at the Cathedral Refectory. We also visited Sarum College Bookshop to buy a card for Cynthia on the occasion of her being priested. Once we had picked up Sara's new glasses, I drove us both back home for some lunch before I went back into Salisbury to finish the day in the Salisbury office. Morale was low there as further redundancies were announced in HR. After I had finished work, I stopped off at John H's to deliver some post from United Grand Lodge and pick up some fish and chips from Fry's at the bottom of Devizes Road. It was difficult to park and it seemed to take forever to get served. Eventually I got three haddocks, two chips and a sausage and returned home with them in a box. The house was in turmoil when I got back - the new carpet had been fitted in the lounge and dining room and most of the furniture was on the lawn (ah, memories of the pranks we played at the Halls of Residence in Liverpool when we removed the complete contents of Wayne's room and re-constructed it on the lawn!). We had five for our House Group this evening and managed to get all the furniture back in time for that - including re-connecting the TV and DVD player. We had a very pleasant evening discussing Steve Chalke's The Apprentice and discussing, in particular, the topic of "Belonging". The evening went very quickly indeed. Linda arrived before we started to discuss preferences for Spring Harvest next year. Only another 5 days before the bookings for 2010 open.

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