Monday, June 11, 2012

In Grimsby

First full day in Grimsby today and I discovered that my Vodaphone Broadband dongle had run out of credit so I had no access to the Internet with my laptop.   Mum was not feeling well at all so the planned trip to the chiropodist was cancelled.  I drove into Grimsby town centre and visited vodaphone's shop where I was able to top up the dongle - hence the ability to write and publish this blog today.  The traffic system in Grimsby is appalling and streets I used to be able to drive down have now been truncated and Grimsby has simply lost its character as the town I was brought up in.  It always distresses me to see how decrepit it has become - it doesn't even have a league football team to redeem it - only its excellent fish and chips.  I did some shopping in Sainsbury's and tonight, after watching the England v. France Euro 2012 game, I cooked spaghetti bolognese for us.  Mum isn't wanting to go out anywhere. I spent most of the afternoon working on a Complex case with Mum sitting and listening to Classic FM.  Mum went to bed this evening very early - 9 p.m. leaving me to watch an interesting programme on the building of The Shard with a glass of red wine in my hand.  Lovely.  I read some more of Brother Yun's biography tonight as I found it very hard to get to sleep.


  1. Grimsby has become an unemployment blackspot, pubs are closing down at an alarming rate but I still think it's a great town and will bounce back.

  2. Hope you are right. Such a pity to see it looking so down-at-heel. It was such a vibrant town.
