Monday, July 30, 2012

Time marching on

I found it really hard to get up this morning.  Too many late nights and not sleeping well because of the heat.  Another bright morning but cooler than recently.  I drove into Salisbury this morning to take Hailey the Hamster in for another medical inspection.  Fortunately, she seems to be getting better but we need to continue to bathe her sore area under her neck.  I left her at the vets' and drove into the city centre to bank a cheque from clients, buy some Polish zloties, get my hair cut and buy a birthday card for my nephew.  All those things successfully done, I return to the vets, picked up Hailey and returned home.  This afternoon, I watched some of the sailing from Weymouth and dozed off for about half and hour.  Feeling refreshed, I did a little gardening - lawns and weeding, before having a pleasant bath.  Sara made a lovely cottage pie - one of her specialities - and we watched some more swimming from the Olympic Aquadrome.  One more medal today - a bronze in men's gymnastics.  So far, one silver and two bronze medals only.  No golds.  Tom is desperate to visit the Olympic arena but the cheapest tickets available are £295!  Forget it.  Maybe the paralympics if possible.  This evening I attended to some accounts for Complex Services.  Hoping for an early night but as I write this it is already approaching midnight.  Why do twenty-four hours these days seem like only ten?  Does time go even more quickly as you approach the end of your life?  So much to do and so little time, it seems.

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