Monday, October 22, 2012


A grey foggy day today with drizzle for most of the day.  It was difficult to get up this morning and Sara finally woke me at 8.30 a.m. with a cup of most welcome tea.  We didn't really get started this morning very quickly .  After a couple of bacon rolls I started work and updated my blog and dealt with some correspondence.  I went over to the doctor's surgery briefly this morning as I was concerned about the wound caused by my attempt at cutting onions a couple of days ago "Jamie Oliver Style" which resulted in me slicing the top of my right thumb.  I was given an appointment with a nurse at their main surgery in Salisbury city centre for 4.40 p.m.  Sara and I spent most of the rest of the day clearing out more junk from the Family Room and archiving some to the loft.  I filled my car with the junk which I took into Salisbury with me for dumping at the recycling centre before going to the doctor's.  I was seen by a young nurse who informed me that I had suffered a "pulp wound" which meant that I had sliced into the capillaries under the skin and this had caused the blood flow. A thick scab was forming which would eventually drop off but she bathed and bandaged it further and gave me a tetanus injection in the arm which she said would cause me to have a sore arm for 3-5 days!  Joy!  Arrived back home through the misty drizzle and won't be going out again tonight.  Mary had had a friend over from Bishopdown Farm (Freya) who stayed for tea but meant that Sara had to go back into Salisbury again.  We are now experiencing the downside of living out in the Wiltshire "sticks".  Mary seems to be making so many friends at her new school - most of whom live in the city conurbation of Salisbury.  This means a 16-mile drive every time we pick up and take back friends. I suspect this will only get more frequent!  Thom, on the other hand, has one main friend who lives in The Wallops - in the exact opposite direction.  I guess this is what happens when you have one child going to school in Salisbury and another in Hampshire.

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