Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Day of Prayer

A day at home today - in fact apart from a brief trip to post some letters and to attend Mary's parent's evening (a ten minute chat with her teacher) I didn't leave the house. Sara went off to the Oasis Ladies' Study and Prayer Group at St. Paul's Church in Salisbury this morning and I dealt with the correspondence and made further inroads into clearing the study. I moved some boxes out to make room to get to the bookcases and in so doing discovered many items I had been looking for including Klynn's Ethernet cable which I was convince I had returned to him! Sorry Klynn, I know you've turned your own house inside out looking for it. Searching through the study is going to be quite an adventure. Sara and I received letters from our former company advising us of the bonuses they were going to pay us for last year's work. Quite frankly, I was pleasantly surprised! Very useful for our proposed foreign trips (must remember to book the flights to Raleigh!). Mary's teacher advised us, this afternoon, that she is pretty well on course for her age and going well in literacy and numeracy. We agreed to help her use a more "ambitious vocabulary" in her writing. We had a torrential thunderstorm this evening and the roads were flooded with muddy water. We had a lake in front of our door which, fortunately, did not rise high enough to flood the house. We gather many were not so fortunate. Sara pulled her back this evening whilst removing a beef casserole from the oven and went to bed early in pain. We had seven for the House Group this evening. Following the Lent Course, we talked about prayer, the power of prayer and the methods of praying. The Group was quite lively and the discussion did not flag. It was interesting to hear others' views and find that where we, as individuals, struggle with prayer, we are not alone. It was interesting that few couples ever pray openly together but individually. Klynn stayed behind for a couple of hours over a bottle of wine discussing his new position and matters connected with the church. After he left I watched a very interesting documentary about the assassination of Lord Louis Mountbatten in Co. Sligo in 1979. I remember the event well as I was staying with a friend in Gloucester that Bank Holiday Weekend.

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