Sunday, November 04, 2012

Back in Cold Wiltshire

Not a typical Sunday for us today - no church attendance.  Sara was up early to take Thom on his paper round.  It was raining heavily and there was a single flash of lightning and crash of thunder.  It is desperately cold and there has been snow in West Wiltshire and Dorset.  I stayed in the warm bed and read for a while.  I had no intention of going to church today - so many more things which needed attention.  Sara went to Tesco's for some essential shopping and I went through the mountain of mail - many from credit card companies with new cards following my cancelling of them all in Barcelona.  This afternoon I drove into Salisbury and visited Vodaphone where I spent an hour dealing with paperwork connected with the insurance claim on the BlackBerry and getting set up with a new Simcard to put in my old BlackBerry which Thom has kingly given up - he really never liked it. This will see me through until a new one arrives.  I have masses of paperwork to fill in which I'll attend to over the next couple of days.  Thom has a GCSE exam tomorrow so is revising but feeling a bit nervous.  Mary has been in and out of the house with her friends.  They did well in their Cheerleading Competiton at Eastbourne coming fourth - a great achievement considering some of the issues we've had recently regarding their unpreparedness and it was their first time entering such a competition.  They also won another cup for displaying the best sportsmanship.  Apparently judges were watching the demeanour of all participants and Mary's Group cheered and encouraged their rivals which was noted with pride.  Well done again, Mary.  No visit to the pub tonight.  It is so cold and we ate a home made curry to keep ourselves warm.  We have very little wood left to burn and so must eek it out until a fresh supply is delivered.  I went to bed at around 9.30 p.m. for two reasons - because I was tired and because I was cold.  I am currently reading "South" by Sir Ernest Shackleton, which doesn't help to make me feel any warmer!

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