Friday, April 03, 2009

Alpha and Omega No. 2

A very fulfilling day today. Sara cooked bacon butties today and after consuming one (actually a couple of bacon slices between hot buttered toast) it was off to Dorking. The journey was quite good today apart from a slow part through the contraflow on the M3 and I arrived in the office just after 9.00 a.m. At lunchtime I took myself off to the gym and spent about 30 minutes there (yes I know that wasn't long) on the treadmill and exercise bicycle. I wasn't very adventurous but felt righteous nevertheless. I had had a lovely hot power shower afterwards - a real luxury at midday and a complete break from the desk. I had a quick lunch of a tuna mayonnaise brown baguette whilst ready a couple of pages of Nicky Gumbel's Searching Issues. Although I had intended to leave the office by 5 p.m. it wasn't until 5.30 p.m. that I got away giving Anthony a lift to Andover Station. Anthony told me what an awful week he had had mainly around his medical problems. The traffic was bad and I soon realised that I was not going to get back to Winterslow in time for the 7.00 p.m. prayers at the beginning of the last night of the Alpha Course. I did arrive at 7.30 p.m in time for an excellent supper of curry and noodles. Some chocolate cake and chocolates also arrived which I had to decline. Tonight, instead of watching a Nicky Gumbel tape we had Nils and Elizabeth talking about The Church and How do we tell others? Both talks were entertaining and informative with Nils starting off with an excellent joke about a woman who placed a sticker in the back window of her car reading "Honk if you love God". I'll tell you the punch line when I next see you. The evening ended with you usual discussions and questions and we all agreed to meet up again for a social event in May. A few of us stayed behind (Nils and Elizabeth included) for further discussions with one of the previously unchurched members of the group. It is clear that the Alpha Course has caused a major change to her life and it is important to ensure that her faith remains fed. It seems such a pity that we have now reach the Omega of the Alpha Course! I arrived back home much later than anticipated to find Sara watching The Jagged Edge starring Glenn Close. It makes a change from Desperate Housewives (Sara informs me that she had now seen all of the first series on DVD). Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day for us Saints fans. The game against Charlton could be the Club's last game ever if it goes bust in the next couple of weeks.

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