Thursday, April 30, 2009

Traffic and Traffik

I awoke this morning on the lounge sofa at 7 a.m. feeling rather uncomfortable. Having watched Auf Wiedersehen Pet I stayed downstairs wrapped up in a sleeping blanket as I didn't want to disturb Sara and felt too tired to move anyway. I realised that I was due in Dorking again today so got up promptly, made tea and mustered the troops. Tom was up but both Mary and Sara were sound asleep. I showered and set off for Dorking, giving Tom a left to the bus stop for his school bus. I arrive in Dorking at around 9.30 a.m. and bought a coffee for each of me and my team and a toasted bacon sandwich additionally for me. I had no appointments in my diary so spent the day at my desk dealing with paperwork and assisting Belinda on a couple of problems. I broke with my normal routine today and had lunch with the managers. During the course of the day I educated Ann on the "evils" of the Mars bar and she is now considering only eating fair trade chocolate. Hopefully another convert to the Stop the Traffik campaign. I returned home by way of the A31. The traffic around Farnham was absolutely dreadful and I got home at around 7.30 p.m. with just half an hour to spare before the House Group started. Tonight we had Max, Ivan, Duncan, Sylvia and Klynn. We might have had more but there was a Team Council Meeting tonight too. We started off on our journey with The Apprentice and we all agreed that the camera work on the DVD was appalling and detracted from the messages being spoken. Although it was meant to be an artistic way of portraying the subject matter, the stop/start, focus/out of focus, zoom in/zoom out techniques used were irritating and most of us viewing it had to close our eyes - disappointing when you think the DVD is an integral part of the study material. We had some lively debate and listened to two songs too - one a praise song and the other a contemplative prayer type piece. I hope it was a success although the subject is quite heavy when done in an analytical way. Klynn stayed behind for a couple of glasses of Jameson Whiskey and we chatted about Stop the Traffik. I felt extremely tired when he left and Sara went to bed at 11.30 p.m. I am now feeling incredibly tired and will close. At least I am only in Salisbury tomorrow.

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