Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Harvest Day 6

Well the final day of Spring Harvest has arrived and it was so difficult to get up today. I woke with a sore throat which I think must have been caused by a combination of tiredness and some heavy duty singing in the Big Top last night. It is always such anti-climax to have to pack and trundle our baggage out to the car park. Fortunately it was much easier this year as the car was such a short distance from our chalet. Tom acted the typical teenager and didn't really want to help which got me quite angry and took the edge a bit off the feeling of contentment I have been feeling. We managed to get to the Big Top in time for some brilliant uplifting singing and an excellent talk by Phil Wall - the theme being that we may be broken but we are still qualified to go out as disciples (Matthew 28) - perhaps because of our brokenness. We sang my favourite songs and I was overwhelmed with the fantastic Spirit that moved in that place. It was, as usual, so sad to sing that final song "Blessed be Your Name" - a great song to send us out on. We must look positive as we return to our normal lives and also look forward to returning next year. The Alibocuses joined us in the Skyline afterwards for more shopping before we went into Minehead for a fish and chip lunch at the Jaws restaurant where Mary and I had eaten earlier in the week. We finally departed at around 3 p.m. and I drove back via Bridgwater (where Sara was born nearly fifty years ago to the day) and through Street, Glastonbury, Frome and over Salisbury Plain and back to Winterslow. Everything seemed to be in order and I washed Sara's car and mowed the inside lawns before sitting down to update this blog site. It is so difficult to describe to people who haven't been the extent of the power and energy which Spring Harvest produces and how exhausting it all can be. We all come back physically exhausted but spiritually fulfilled. Tonight Tom told us that Spring Harvest had had a profound effect on him and he wanted to lead his life on a more Christian basis. As for Mary, she has been inspired by the music and is so full of joy. I shall go to bed tonight tired but very happy - blessed by a wonderful family and a faith that sustains.