Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Washing and Mowing Day

Up early again as I needed to get the kids off to school. This entailed cooking breakfast (bacon butties and waffles), ensuring they had everything they needed for the day's lessons, giving Tom £2 for his school lunch and packing up Mary's lunch - fruit, cucumber, roll, Wotsits, cheese string and pepperoni and apple juice. Hopefully reasonably well balanced! Having seen them off I set about taking clothes out of the tumble dryer and sorting it into piles for each person, putting another load into the washing machine and so on and so on all day! I enjoyed sorting the piles on our bed whilst watching the unbelievable people on the Jeremy Kyle Show (I've never properly watched it before - and I can now see why!) A whole host of adulterous, violent, lying partners slagging off each other and being verbally abused by Jeremy himself. So this is morning entertainment is it! I took the mower out of the garage to cut the front lawn and one of the wheels collapsed - metal fatigue. Not being worth repairing I drove to Homebase and B&Q to see what deals there might be for a new one. At B&Q I managed to buy a brand new motor mower and motor strimmer for half the price I had paid for my old mower. It is slightly smaller but lighter and as it is power driven it can shift more quickly - indeed, when I got home I put it together, put oil and petrol in it and managed to mow all three lawns in less than an hour - and without straining my back. A good buy I think. I picked up Mary and Lucy C from Norman Court Brownies tonight. Sara phoned me to describe her second day at Forest Mere. She has had thalassotherapy today as I recommended and is halfway through Matthew. I need to look up Matthew 17 tonight as there is a passage about the Transfiguration she wants my opinion about. I told here that my day had been more secular than hers but I have been having good wholesome food too - prawn salad with my special Dorf Salad (that's Waldorf Salad without the walnuts!), beetroot, egg and growing lettuce. I didn't tell her about the custard slice though. After I have finished writing this blog I am going to sit down with a cup of coffee and watch an hour's TV before bed. Must right up my Ezra and Nehemiah lecture tomorrow.

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