Thursday, October 07, 2010

Wiltshire Provincial Grand Lodge - Annual Meeting

I spent most of today in Salisbury attending the Wiltshire Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Meeting at the City Hall and the accompanying lunch. After breakfast I dealt with any mail and then drove to the London Road Park & Ride car park and caught the bus into the city centre. I called into Vodaphone as my BlackBerry's sound system does not appear to be working. They took the back of it off, took out the Sim card and then it seemed to be working - that is until I tried to phone Sara fifteen minutes after I left the shop. There seems to be a loose connection to the speaker. I will need to take it in again (probably next week) after I've backed up the data. Spent a very pleasant time with old Provincial friends having a cold meat salad lunch with new potatoes and coleslaw followed by apple crumble. I was seated in the light airy part of the room where we had excellent service from the catering staff and stewards - better than those in the main area all crushed together. The meeting lasted just under two hours and was extremely well attended - although there was nobody representing Sussex Province. Two of my lodge's members were honoured today - Rod as Acting Provincial Grand Standard Bearer and Bryant as Past Provincial Grand Registrar. Unfortunately Bryant was unable to attend as he is currently training for lay ministry in the Church of England (Exeter Diocese) and was on a training course. Tonight the House Group met and started the study of The Sermon on the Mount. We began the meeting with prayer and the breaking of bread and sharing of wine. Mary kindly helped with the teas and coffees as Sara was out on one of her Vie evenings - this time at a school fundraising event in Eastleigh - apparently it was not a great success - she paid £15 for a table at the event and collected £18. With the cost of petrol this was not an economical exercise although she did get a few leads.

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