Tuesday, April 01, 2014


A day almost exclusively at home today - quite a rare event especially as I cannot remember a day in recent weeks where I have remained in the village all day.  In fact today wasn't an exception as I did go into Salisbury this evening to attend a meeting of Stonehenge Chapter - but more of that later.  I took Thom to the Wallops this morning in very thick fog - you could hardly see 50 yards in front of you - but the news on the car radio promised a hot sunny day later - as it turned out.  I spent the morning dealing with finances including putting in my ministerial expenses to the Clarendon Team - I still need to do those to the diocese for my St. Francis events and to Alabare for my chaplaincy expenses.  I also did my mileage returns and paid a few bills.  I went over to the Truffles Coffee Shop for a meeting with the Parish Clerk on Council business and we spent an hour together working through some papers. Sara spent the morning chairing her business women's group - Ladies who Latte at the Milford Hall Hotel.  This afternoon I resumed my attack on paperwork in the office - especially preparations for tomorrow evening's meeting of Sarum Lodge.  I had half an hour this afternoon to mow the lawn - this is always good thinking and praying time - with the weather warm.  The back lawn had grown substantially in just a few days and I filled the green garden refuse bin to the top quite easily.  Fortunately they are coming to collect it on Thursday.  I also bought and sent a card to Auntie Mim who is currently recovering from an operation for ovarian cancer.  She is doing well according to Ann who has put a bulletin and photograph on Facebook.  After a quick shower and change clothing I drove into Salisbury for a meeting of Stonehenge Chapter.  It being the Installation Meeting there were several quite senior Freemasons present including the Provincial Grand Chaplain who has asked me to lead the Church Service at Calne in October (he will preach and the local vicar will give the absolution and blessing). I have suggested to him that we should arrange a meeting for all the lodge chaplains somewhere central in the county - probably Devizes - to emphasise the importance of the role of the chaplain in the lodge and to give them encouragement to work beyond just saying the prayers and grace at meetings. He was very open to this idea which we must pursue. Now to bed, but must watch Rev first. Another busy day tomorrow with quite a bit of time at St. Francis's - morning school assembly, Easter bonnet parade and a funeral in the afternoon.  Then Sarum Lodge.  At present, Sara and I spend about two conscious hours a day together!

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