Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Magic and Mystery

A fairly leisurely morning which I spent at Parkwood Fitness Centre in the gym (where I tried out the rowing machines for the first time) and on then in the sauna and pool.  Feeling refreshed I returned home - Sara was working again up at Fuggleston Red.  After a light lunch I drove to St. Michael's Church, Bemerton Heath and joined the Bishop of Salisbury together with Alan Jeans, our Archdeacon who is also providing technical advice for the TV programme Rev., the Bishop's Chaplain, Canon David Durston who is one of my tutors (for theological reflection) and Paul, the Vicar of St. Francis's.  We walked across the Avon Valley through to Stratford-sub-Castle and then using more footpaths which necessitated climbing up to the top of Old Sarum, where we visited the remains of the old cathedral, and then down again to Castle Road which we walked along partly on the pavement and partly on Hudson's Field. We were each of us provided with a good opportunity to chat on the way and there being only six of us there was a great feeling of togetherness and comradeship. The Bishop is an extremely approachable and interesting person who takes a keen interest in all around him. Arriving at St. Francis's we were provided well received cups of tea and coffee and biscuits.  We held a small evening prayer service led by the Bishop in the Youth Lounge.  Some continued on to the cathedral via St. Thomas's and St. Martin's but Sara came to pick me up and drive me back to St. Michael's to pick up my car from where I drove straight home. Mary and Maya had been to the gymnastic's class at Wilton and so Sara had to take them back to Maya's.  Tonight Thom and I drove into Southampton to see Derren Brown Infamous  at the Mayflower in one of his amazing mind-bending shows.  We first of all parked in Morris Road, which is free parking in the evening and went to CafĂ© Italia where we enjoyed a new dining experience - Italian style buffet with the waiters constantly bringing freshly broiled meats on a spit - as much as you like - unlimited food.  We left, feeling quite stuffed, to go to the theatre. A wonderfully entertaining evening.  We are so lucky to have Southampton on a doorstep - a large city with so much to offer in the way of entertainment, sport and shopping. I am back here tomorrow to attend a firs tclass cricket match at the Rose Bowl.

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