Friday, September 11, 2009

Some Food for Thought

It's nice to finish the week in Salisbury and the traffic going into Salisbury was quite light today. Before leaving home I hoisted the US flag in memory of those who lost their lives in the tragic events of 9/11 eight years ago. Eight years ago! It only seems like yesterday. Mary was only 9 months old too! How things have changed since that day. Nothing very remarkable happened at work today and I ate my home made sandwiches at my desk. I left work a little early and was home by 5.15 p.m. Sara went out tonight to Fordingbridge to present a Virgin Vie show at a former colleague's house. Quite successful by all accounts with more bookings later in the year. I spent the evening at Klynn's and Susan's with the children playing with their children. We had a Food for Thought planning meeting discussing many ideas for the outreach and worship needs of the community. We came up with a plan for the next five meetings until and including February 2010. I agreed to help organise "Bible Bingo and Bangers" for October - an evening of bingo with sausage and mash (and onion gravy) supper - and the February worship based on Jonah and the Whale. I also agreed that the House Group (probably to be renamed Study Group after our discussions tonight) would do a lot of praying for FFT. We had a gigantic Chinese supper and did most of our real thinking over this - washed down with rose wine spritzer. Truly "food for thought".

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