Sunday, December 02, 2012

Lunch with my spiritual adviser

Woke early this morning and made tea.  I was slow to get started but there was no rush as the morning service at Christ Church, Toxteth Park (see picture), has been re-timed to 11 a.m.  I half-packed, had a shower and Malcolm made us bacon butties.  We walked round to Linnet Lane for the church service which was a Eucharist taken by the curate, Lyn with Chris giving the readings and preaching.  Being the first Sunday in Advent the preaching was on the theme of "waiting".  A good sermon as usual from Chris.  It was good to see old familiar faces and as the Peace was exchanged many of the congregation greeted me by name - a really nice touch giving one the feeling of belonging. The congregation is growing and there is an informality which we don't have at All Saints, Winterslow.  I think we would do well to be a little bit more informal.  I stayed behind for coffee and Chris confirmed that he would join us for lunch at Maranto's afterwards.  As my spiritual adviser there were a few issues I wanted to discuss with him and what better way than over a roast beef lunch on Lark Lane.  We ate and chatted for two hours on a number of issues - both about the church and about life in general.  It was ten back to Malcolm's for coffee and the rest of my packing.  I eventually left Liverpool at about 4.30 p.m. and set off for Grimsby.  The roads were very clear until near Oldham where there had been a shunt on the M62 motorway.  I was delayed about half an hour getting through the congestion and then proceeded across the Pennines towards Leeds, Hull, Thorne, Scunthorpe and eventually Grimsby at 8 p.m. - a journey of three and a half hours - much later than expected.  Mum was watching TV and I sat with her whilst we viewed X-Factor and Katherine Jenkins.  Mum went to bed early tonight at around 10.30 p.m. and I stayed up and watched a Father Ted - the one with in which Father Stone is struck by lightning on a crazy golf course.  Then to bed myself - reading for a little while until I eventually turned off the light and went to sleep.

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