Wednesday, August 04, 2010

A Day in the Village

Again I could not sleep very well last night and so I came downstairs and watched a documentary on the tombs of ancient China and another episode of "On the Buses" - The Football Match. Consequently I didn't feel much like getting up this morning although I was up before Sara and made us both tea. Sara went off to Morning Star to do some gardening following an early morning phone call from Shazz (Sharon) that Sara wouldn't be needed to help prepare the Banquet Run but there was plenty of gardening to do. I went to feed Sarah and Molly's cats and was on my way across to the village hall when I heard the distressed cries of an elderly woman and found one of our neighbours, Connie, in Weaver's Close, lying outside her house on the ground with blood gushing from her arm and leg. I helped her into her house and raced over to the doctors' surgery to get help. They promised to see her straight away if I could bring her over. I drove her over to the surgery and they managed to patch her up. Whilst waiting for her, the heavens opened and we got our first decent soaking of rain for several weeks. This put paid to Sara's plans for gardening at Morning Star. I saw Connie home and she told me that her niece would be calling in soon. This afternoon Tom and I helped Richard, Mike, Linda and Janet move lots of items from All Saints Church into the Junior Church Mobile in preparation for the Death Watch Beetle spraying next week. Tom, Mary and Sara then went off swimming. This afternoon, Alan has chopped down more of the hedge and we can now see right up Middleton Road. We seem really exposed now and the garden has grown quite significantly - more lawn for me to mow on both sides of what was a six foot hedge. The flag pole is no longer next to the hedge but seemingly in the middle of the garden now. We will be able to have proper hoisting ceremonies! I successfully did the online preparation work for new passports today and successfully got ticket for Tom and me to go to the Twenty/20 Finals Day at the Rose Bowl as well as tickets for Sunday's 40-Over game between Hampshire and Durham.

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