Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hosea - Love, Unfaithfulness and Difficulty - Some Sad News

Off to Weight Watchers' today feeling quite apprehensive as I have not been carefully tracking my points this week. I expected to have either put on a small amount of weight or stayed the same. I was delighted to discover that I had, actually lost a further pound - and a significant one at that as it signalled the 15% total weight loss mark since I started twelve weeks ago. So now, in three months, I have lost 2 stones and 4.5 pounds! Really pleased with that. I am sure that my weight loss has contributed, in no small measure, to my general feeling of well-being at the moment. Unfortunately, during the course of the meeting I received an email on my BlackBerry informing me that Cameron Eckford, the man who had proposed me and been my mentor in entering the Ancient and Accepted Rite Christian Degree in Freemasonry, had died suddenly whilst having an emergency triple by-pass operation. I was shocked and saddened by this news. We had only had dinner together three weeks' ago in Brighton. Sara was unable to join me at Weight Watchers today as she had a meeting at Salisbury Hospital to discuss her calendar with the Director of the Stars Appeal. Sara came back very encouraged by her meeting and feeling very positive indeed. I spent this afternoon working in the study and preparing for the House Group tonight. The topic we had chosen was the minor prophet, Hosea. A very tricky book dealing with, as it does, love and unfaithfulness. Most of the minor prophets are hard to read and understand, theologically, and this is most probably why readings from these twelve books are avoided in church! After the meeting, James stayed behind and we discussed my calling. He was not surprised and wholly endorsed it. We spent a little time talking about his own experiences and where he saw himself going spiritually. I think the wine always helps the discussion to proceed in a frank way! I am delighted to have his support. Sara spent much of this evening, after the House Group, reading through her Mum's old journals. I am pleased she is doing this as I know it always brings a closeness with her mother who seems to have been such a gentle, loving and pragmatic person. One of my greatest regrets in life is that I never met her. I am positive that if she were alive today she would be so proud of her daughter although, from what appears in the diary, disappointed that Sara has never got any tidier! Can't have everything I suppose!

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