Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Sara's Calendar takes "Shape"

I didn't get up too early this morning and let Sara organise Tom's breakfast and bring me tea in bed. I used this quiet period to read my devotionals and reflect. I was up, however, in time to take Mary to school and when I got back I had a breakfast of coffee and grapefruit. Sara went off to Morning Star just before 9.30 a.m. and I left shortly afterwards to attend the Mid-Week Eucharist at St. John's. I felt a great urge to go and so glad that I did as the homily given by Nils really hit the mark for me today and I am sure I was meant to hear it. In fact the service was very well attended for a mid-week Eucharist. I returned home to have a coffee and prepare the paperwork for this evening's lodge meeting - recording the apologies received and checking and printing enough agendas etc. I then was just leaving for Warminster (to pick up my altered undress regalia for tonight's meeting) as Sara returned from Morning Star - much later than normal. Apparently there had been much to do there this morning and the leaders there had also called upon Sara's professional advice in the employment field. I managed to get over to Warminster and back within two hours and pick up my altered apron. I walked to school, after my return, to escort Mary back home. She was in a right "strompy" mood (a lovely word I picked up from Lucy at church in Whiteparish on Sunday - cross between stroppy and grumpy!) and I was quite glad when Sara returned at 5.oo p.m. from her LPA training session. At 5.30 p.m. I set off for Salisbury to attend my lodge meeting which went very successfully. Sara had 19 ladies here tonight to discuss her "Winterslow Calendar" and I gather gleaned some great marketing and production ideas. A big day for me tomorrow so must get my head down. Sara is currently putting together a blog site for her Calendar Girls idea as I write this up. Now how is that for true outreach!

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