Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The King Speaks Again

A dry day today with a hint of spring in the air, at last. A quiet day at home (if there is such a thing as a "quiet" day with the kids off school!) In fact, in the morning Sara went into Salisbury to buy Tom another game for his Xbox or Play Station (I can't keep up with what games he has for what equipment) and Mary came with me to Steve's to discuss an important matter. She had a great time playing with the kids making a horror movie with a camcorder. This evening, Tom and I went to Southampton with some free tickets to see The King's Speech. I was delighted to have an opportunity to see it again and I thought it an even better film than when I saw it the first time - so much more to see and some fantastic casting and story lines. A wonderful film. I really do hope that it sweeps the board at the Oscars. It deserves it. Tom described it as a good comedy thriller - not quite sure what he means by that but I guess he doesn't quite understand all the historical background and significance of some parts of the story. I was glad, nevertheless, that he enjoyed it and he found some of the dialogue very amusing. It was a really nice evening out. We didn't get back until 11.30 p.m. and Sara and I then watched "The Real King's Speech" - a documentary looking into the background of Logue and the King. Fascinating stuff. I must get on with reading "A King's Story" by the Duke of Windsor for some more background.

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