Monday, February 17, 2014

New Dyson - the Day's Highlight!

Woke early again this morning to find the weather overcast.  I did hoist the USA Flag for Presidents' Day but as the day progressed so did the wind and the rain and I had to take it down again.  Sara took Mary for a dance rehearsal at the City Hall today - but having got the timing wrong was out from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. She did some work for the carpet cleaning company and also bought a new Dyson vacuum cleaner - our old one (some 13 years old) having finally given up its suction after it had given up several bits of itself over the years.  The new one is absolutely amazing - such powerful suction and it will be will be such fun to use.  I spent the day going through the papers on my desk which seem to have hardly been depleted.  Bills were paid, letters written and I attended to quite a few Masonic issues which needed to be sorted including sending out all the agendas for our next meeting together with dining slips and minutes. I declined an invitation to a meeting in Brighton choosing to attend one in Salisbury on that day.  The cost in money and time was too prohibitive to go over to Brighton again. Thom spent nearly all day in his room and I did, eventually, get his new phone number signed on to our Sure Signal box.  It rained heavily this afternoon, just as I had decided to go for a walk.  I am really missing my walks because of the appalling weather which keeps us indoors.  I can see how those with dogs keep fit - they have to go out - whereas it is so easy to stay in the warm and dry.  More rain is forecast for the rest of the week.  How dreary.  I think another early night (after Poirot) and an early morning walk - perhaps!

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