Thursday, May 28, 2009


I woke up this morning at 7 a.m. - or rather I was woken up by Sara - a most unusual event! It was a day in Dorking today so after a shower, tea and corn flakes it was off up the A303 and M5 to Surrey. An extremely busy day with many time critical tasks to fulfil - one of those days when you wish there were at least 25 hours in every day or you could be teleported from place to place. It just doesn't seem to get any easier or less pressured at work. Sara phoned me to say that Emily the Cat had attacked a wood pigeon and injured its wing. She phoned the RSPCA who told her to take it to a vet and they would give her a reference number so that the vet would be paid by them. The bird was taken to Hampton Park Veterinary Surgery where it was left - its fate unknown. Next door Sara visited the "one-stop" shop and expressed her displeasure at them not stocking Fairtrade chocolate. They seemed totally unconcerned, apparently, even after Sara had explained the significance for the child exploitation market. It seems that Sara's day was not completely without further problems including exploding orange juices, neighbours running out of petrol and losing their wallets (only to be found again). No names, no pack drill, Klynn! The carpet fitters informed Sara that they could no longer come tomorrow dues to illness - after Sara had emptied the DVD/Video drawers and added the contents to the increasing mountain on my study floor! Tonight we had our House Group and instead of Steve Chalke's funky DVD we watched a DVD which Duncan had given to me several weeks (maybe even months) before called Indescribable. It featured an American evangelist, and leader of the Youth Passion Movement in the USA, called Louie Giglio, who has a great fascination for astronomy - one of my own passions. He used images from from the Hubble Telescope to illustrate the smallness of Mankind and the vastness of God's creation. Some of the images were startling, especially the one of Earth as a tiny dot with the Sun shining on it taken by Voyager as it left the Solar System - some 3,000,000,000,000 miles distant. Our own insignificance is truly "indescribable". I took a copy of the DVD tonight as it is worth seeing again and something which we can use at future House Groups and Alpha Groups. The last image he showed was a close up of the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) in the constellation of Canes Venatici - an object visible at the moment and one of my favourites. At over 31 million light years away it is one of the most distant objects I have ever seen with my own eyes. The image of the two galaxies apparently colliding is well known but not so well known until Hubble was the image at the centre of the larger galaxy. This image is known as the X and I have posted the image above. A reminder of God's handiwork? It reminds me of the words of the chorus from Haydn's Creation "The Heavens are telling the wonders of the LORD"!

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