Tuesday, June 08, 2010

A Day in the Office

The weather was wet for most of the day today so all hopes of doing any gardening were dashed. Instead, I spent most of the day in the office/study at work for Complex Services - three telephone conferences, finalising our accounts and writing some letters. Sara went into Salisbury to see an old friend from NCT days who is the co-director of an IT company which is having a few problems. When she came back she had secured some more work for Complex undertaking a review of their HR and recruitment policies and issues. A very successful morning for the Company especially as a cheque also arrived in the post today. In the afternoon and evening I started work on the appendices for David Kaye's re-print of his successful "Old Trolleybuses" book. I am compiling a number of appendices to the book setting out lists of preserved vehicles, their locations and suggested further reading. It is quite a task but most enjoyable. I have nearly completed the first of these - list of preserved vehicles - which I hope to check and send to him tomorrow for proof reading. Tonight, Sara and I watched the acclaimed film on "Bloody Sunday" starring James Nesbitt. Sara is determined to a get a better grip on Irish history and understand the origins of the Troubles. Must get up early tomorrow to get on the phone to book Spring Harvest.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Michael - the study looks amazing. You have been busy!!!
