Wednesday, June 09, 2010

We're going to Spring Harvest 2011- Yippee!!!

Woke early this morning remembering that I had agreed to help Richard and Linda in phoning through to Butlins to book our Spring Harvest accommodation for next year. I took my tea into the study and just before 8 a.m. began the laborious process of dialling-re-dialling-re-dialling-re-dialling and so on and so on. By 8.25 a.m. I must have dialled about 100 times and all I got was a recorded message to "try later". Sara came into the study at around 8.25 a.m. and offered to dial up on our second line. She dialled just three times and got through (Richard and Linda were still trying to get through too!). By 8.30 a.m. we were all booked in - albeit in 6-person apartments rather than bungalows as we had hoped. Honestly, Sara did the same last year. Next year we'll simply leave it to her and all have a lie-in I think! Sara went off this morning to do her stint at sandwich making at Morning Star and I attended the Mid-Week Eucharist at St. John's. I made us lunch of corned beef salad with hot new minted potatoes with mint from the garden - we've got masses of mint this year - and Sara returned home with some lovely fresh eggs from Morning Star. I pickled half a dozen of them this afternoon - yummy. I now have a jar just about ready for eating and another pickling away nicely. I spent most of the afternoon finishing off the appendices for David Kaye's book. Unfortunately I didn't finish in time for the post today but will post them off tomorrow. I walked to the school this afternoon, also, to pick up Mary. After picking her up we walked to The Rectory to deliver a birthday card for Judith and then walked across the field to the Baptist Church and then via a lovely shady copse up to Barry's Field and home. Richard was at home when I returned and we had a beer together - I was so hot from my two mile walk in very muggy weather. The Guinness went down a treat. Tonight I attended Deanery Synod in the Village Hall. We had a long Eucharist - my second of the day! - and listened to the reports of the various achievements realised in the Deanery. Jane D gave a very moving account of how she had felt called to ordination after being an accountant in the City. Wine and cake was provided in the break and we sang four hymns unaccompanied. Quite a full day today. I had hoped to do some gardening but the wet and later muggy weather really didn't make me feel like it at all - not that I enjoy gardening anyway. At the moment there just seem to be weeds and yet more weeds everywhere. They grow at an alarming rate. Why don't my runner beans do the same? Another one of life's mysteries to me!

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