Monday, March 05, 2012

Cycles and Circles

A much drier and brighter morning than yesterday.  Mary was due to start her bikemobility course at school  this morning but her current bicycle is too small for her.  She was very disappointed to think that she might not be able to take part but fortunately, the course tutor was able to provide her with a suitable bicycle and a friend lent her a helmet.   I spent this morning on Complex work - Sara designed a new business card (I am rapidly running out of them) and we've ordered 250 of them.  They will bear Complex's new logo.  I worked for three solid hours on preparing the papers for the proposed conference with counsel in Surrey on Friday only to receive a phone call from counsel that he would be in court and we have had to postpone the meeting to 28 March!  I spent some more time fine tuning the Titanic presentation I am giving in Brighton next week and after picking up Mary from school, we went to Halfords and bought two new bicycles - one for Mary - a ladies 17" frame bike - she is too big for a junior bike and now needs a ladies - and I have ordered a Carrera light framed bicycle with 21 gears which will make cycling around Winterslow much easier than the very heavy steel-framed bike I currently have - it only has ten gears.  I am hoping that this new bike, and Mary's - will mean that we can go further and get fitter.  I really look forward to the summer for this.  Sara has gone, this evening, to Southampton with some of the Calendar Girls to see the play - Calendar Girls - again at the Mayflower.  The kids and I has a Chinese takeaway this evening.  So, in conclusion, I've worked hard this morning to bring it quite a bit of  money - all of which was spent this afternoon on bicycles.  C'est la vie!

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