Thursday, March 06, 2014

A Prayerful and Fulfilling Day

I woke early this morning looking forward to a very full day ahead.  Thom didn't need to go into Winchester until much later this morning and Sara agreed to drop him at the Wallops and also pick him up.  I drove into Salisbury - the traffic was extremely busy today - to attend my first morning Office with Paul, the vicar of St. Francis and to mark the beginning of my placement there.  We met in a very warm church's ante room and used Celebrating Common Prayer instead of the more familiar common worship Daily Prayer although Paul agreed to use my choice of psalm and readings from the Church of England Common Worship Lectionary.  We spent 30 minutes together and had a short time of open prayer instead of  the prescribed diocesan prayer chain.  The prayers seemed deep and sincere and I included some quite local and personal issues.  After Morning Office I drove to Bristol for a meeting with my spiritual director at Trinity Theological College. On the way I found a cut through around the back of Bath which avoided some of the city centre but I still got caught in heavy traffic at Brislington.  My appointment was at 12 noon and I eventually arrived at Trinity college at 11.51 a.m.   The timing could not have been more perfect.  By the time I had "restored myself to my personal comfort" he was at reception waiting for me.  We immediately to a stroll (in fact he walked at quite a brisk pace) across the Downs above the Avon Gorge with wonderful views of the Gorge and the Clifton Suspension Bridge.  We had coffee in a small park café and then returned back to the College for lunch in the main refectory with the students and lecturers.  We ate a healthy salad and as a visitor to the college was introduced and received a round of applause - all quite unexpected but with a real feeling of appreciation and friendliness.  After lunch we repaired to my director's study for coffee, prayer and general discussions.  I left Trinity at 2 p.m. feeling quite "on top of the world".  My talk with my director had been a wonderful experience and I look forward to his continued fellowship as we journey together.  I drove out of Bristol on the M32 and M4 and via Bradford and Trowbridge arrived at Ashley's house in Westbury at 3.30 p.m. we had tea together and we discussed his Leading Worship and Ethics portfolios.  He is a great friend and ministerial colleague and we are able to give each other wonderful support and encouragement.  I do hope he gets licensed this year. After a brief stop in Warminster to purchase more cartridges for our computer printers, I arrived back home at 6 p.m. Sara had cooked a Thai Green Curry which was excellent. We had the first of our Lent group sessions this evening "Exploring the Void" based on the film "Touching the Void" which covers so many aspects of our life and faith.  A really enjoyable session.  Today has been a really marvellous day.  A more detailed account will be written in my spiritual diary.  Over the next few weeks, during Lent, I feel positive that my role as a minister will be more clearly defined.  As my spiritual director told me today "I am a pastor" and this I am reflecting upon deeply and will explore further during my Lenten journey.

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