Sunday, May 02, 2010

Big Pub Quiz

I cycled early this morning to attend the Early Morning Eucharist today at St. John's, conducted by Nils with assistance from Jane Dunlop who gave a very good sermon. After a quick breakfast I took Tom up to Barry's Field for his match against Durrington U13s. The weather has turned very cold today - unlike the hot sunshine we had at Twickenham yesterday - and it rained heavily during the match. Fortunately coffee was being provided in the Pavilion and so I was able to get out of the rain and cold during the half-time break. Tom's team, Clarendon U13s, won by a convincing 5-1. They are now firmly on track to win their league. I spent this afternoon finishing off my research and writing up my lecture on Ezra and Nehemiah to deliver in Brighton on Tuesday evening. Sara checked it through for me and I am well pleased with the final result. Tonight, I joined Richard, Jonno and Jeremy at the Lion's Head for the pub quiz. It was being compered by Mick Brown who is a leading light in the Winterslow Plan Group and the pub was packed - many many people who we never see and instead of the usual five or six teams there were eleven. Despite this we came second - although by my reckoning we actually won - but the winner was announced before our papers were even counted. It would have been embarrassing to take away the prize from the team announced as winners. Never mind. Not sure I enjoyed it as much as when there are fewer there and the quiz is set by Julie. It didn't seem to quite have the friendly rivalry we normally experience. No wine tonight either.

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