Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Ten Comandments

I spent all day today within the confines of the house and garden catching up on paperwork including drafting documents for my new client in Liverpool and other miscellaneous administrative chores. I also prepared for the House Group tonight. Richard came round briefly this morning to discuss church matters and Sara went to Oasis at St. Paul's. We have agreed that the Jeff Lucas bible talks will commence in two-week's time and not next week. House Group will continue next week. Just before the House Group tonight, Sarah M popped in with a legal query which I promised to take up with a member of the Ambassador's Group tomorrow morning who knows much more about this particular topic, family law, than me. We had a good turn out this evening for the House Group. We discussed the mysteries of God's Justice and I started with a couple of clips from films about the Ten Commandments - one being the famous sequence where Mel Brookes as Moses comes down from Mount Sinai with three tablets and says "People of Israel, I give you God's Fifteen (dropping one tablet)....sorry, ...Ten Commandments". A good humorous start to the evening. The discussion went well and we also had quite a number of bible extracts to read too. We agreed that obeying the commandments alone does not bring one solely to grace and that we all, in some way or another, have strayed from those laws. Only Jesus dying on the Cross, to save us from our Sins, and an understanding and belief that God's unfailing love and faithfulness comes through Him and not blind obedience to the law will achieve that. We couldn't finish this huge topic and have enough material to continue the discussion next week.

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