Sunday, May 09, 2010

A New Look at the Creation (with Bangers and Mash!)

A really busy day today, as are most Sundays these days. After making Sara and me tea, I went off early to All Saints where I was acting as Salesperson and Intercessor. The service was conducted by Nils with Jane preaching. A good sermon on the subject of John 14 - the promise of the Holy Spirit. After coffee and a short chat with people I drove up to Barry's Field where Tom's Clarendon U13s team needed only a draw against Sarum Youth to clinch the title and promotion. Sarum Youth were lying third in the table. When I arrived, eight minutes into the second half, the score was 1-1 and both teams were battling hard. Tom's team had the advantage of the slope but the wind was against them. Sarum Youth needed to win to win the title. About ten minutes from the end Sarum scored their second goal and managed to hang on to the lead until full time - 2-1! Poor olf Clarendon, they had done so well but were pipped to the post for the title honours. They will now have to play Laverstock for a runners up medal. Their coach was devastated - having brought the team, via three wins on the trot with a magnificent goal difference, so close. Just like Southmapton and Grimsby, Clarendon U13s just failed to reach their target. Not a good weekend for me - soccer wise. To make matters worse, Chelsea clinched the title this afternoon with an 8-0 win over poor Wigan. This afternoon, Sara and I led the Food for Thought service with Elizabeth. We had a great afternoon, lots of fun and teaching followed by bangers and mash. Sara had written a great play (skit) on Adam and Eve which mixed humour with a good way of telling the story of the Creation. We followed that with bible quizzes and bingo. With Spring Harvest songs we were able to bring a little bit of the Spring Harvest atmosphere to Winterslow. With 50 attending, we matched the attendance at All Saints this morning. Tonight, Klynn, Richard, James and I met for a relaxing pint or two at the Lion's Head. We all needed a bit of R&R after such a busy and emotional weekend.

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