Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Long Trip to Dorchester

Woke up early today in Hove and after showering helped myself to coffee and toast. Peter was already up and about doing domestic chores and was smartly dressed to attend a meeting regarding the school of which he is chairman of governors. Michael M, an old friend and client, called at 7.45 a.m. to discuss a legal problem he is currently having about the flat he rents out in Hove. It was useful and co-incidental that I was in Hove this morning to see him. I left Hove at about 8.45 a.m. and drove along the coast road to Chichester and then along the A27/M27/A35 to Dorchester for a meeting with Pam, a former colleague of mine at my previous company, who runs her own HR Company in Honiton, Devon. I thought that Dorchester would be a convenient location to meet. We had lunch together in a cafe/bistro called Taste which is situated just off the High Street. I had an excellent crayfish penne dish followed by creme brulee. When we left, it was raining quite heavily. I had a quick look in the Dorset County Museum but didn't really see much of interest. However it was interesting to discover that Thomas Masterman Hardy, Nelson's captain on HMS Victory, came from Dorset as did the author Thomas Hardy. On my return, I delivered all the Christian Aid envelopes to houses in Youngs Paddock, Stone Close and Weavers Close. I will need to collect them on Saturday and Monday. Tonight, Mary and I went swimming for half an hour at the Five Rivers Leisure Centre. On my return, I made some suggested amendment notes to the contract of employment I am looking at for the fashion designer in Liverpool. I had an early night as I didn't sleep for very long in Hove and had done quite a bit of driving over the last couple of days - I seem to be getting out of the habit.

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