Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Busy going nowhere?

I guess today could be described as one of those "got up, got dressed, not much happened, had supper and went to bed" days as I spent all day in and around the house apart from a brief car trip with Mary and her friend Lucy to the neighbouring village of West Tytherley for Brownies. I got to work tidying the study (well, I identified a few items for removal) and shredded a lot of old papers which I really no longer need. I have decided that I have kept many of the old magazines simply because they have articles written by me in them and so I will scan those and dump the rest - either by passing them on to somebody else or sending them for recycling. Sara spent her morning and a good part of the rest of the day putting together the parish magazine to go to the printers. I had a telephone meeting with my client in Liverpool in the afternoon when we made some significant progress with a new contract. In the late afternoon, I delivered some Marie Curie Cancer Charity envelopes around Young's Paddock and mowed the two inner lawns (my only real exercise today). This evening Sara discussed the possibility of a fund raising event for the local children's hospice with one of their volunteers over a glass of wine and I also made a few suggestions (over a glass or two of wine!). I ended the evening watching a recorded drama documentary about Krakatoa's eruption (there seem to be a lot of programmes about volcanoes at the moment - hope that isn't an omen for our proposed flight to Dublin) and another on the search for the lost continent of Atlantis. My days are now slowly filling with work for my own business which is quite satisfying and I am now definitely no longer feeling like being retired anymore.

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