Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Lee's Forget-me-Not Second Ceremony

I got up at 9 a.m. today after a late night last night with all that travelling back from Sussex. I spent most of the day at home dealing with quite a bit of mail and emails. Posted an Event on Facebook for Food for Thought inviting some 40-odd to come along. Sara went to Jan(et)'s for lunch today and was out from 12 noon until about 3.30 p.m. I dealt with some banking and put together some ideas for my presentation to Ambassadors' on Friday. I must write it up tomorrow. I have also agreed to do a presentation with Richard on the topic of Godly Men on Saturday morning to the Men's Breakfast Group. I also booked the hotel and car parking at London Heathrow for our trip to the USA. All is now sorted for that trip except the children's passports which need renewing as soon as we get back from Dublin. This afternoon I mowed the bank which is looking quite smart. I also paid some bills. This evening, Lee was passed to the Second Degree of Craft Freemasonry in Sarum Lodge. The ceremony was a bit disjointed but we all had an enjoyable evening and a pleasant dinner of home-made chicken pie followed. I presented him with a Forget-me-Not lapel badge and explained something of its history. He seemed appreciative. When I got home I learned that Tom's team had won again (7-1 with Tom scoring Clarendon's last goal) and are now in with a great chance of clinching the title and getting promoted. I need to get up early tomorrow morning so that I can work on my presentations. I am also leading House Group again tomorrow night. Had the made idea of working late tonight but feeling quite tired so think I'll call it a day. After all, it is fifteen minutes to midnight. Sara is an owl but I am definitely a lark.

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