Friday, May 28, 2010

Busy Day with Sad News

A very busy and tight schedule today which started, as is now usual, with Sara bringing me tea and then me reading my daily devotionals. After a shower, I had an early morning teleconference with my client in Liverpool which now seems to conclude matters. I simply have to check the paperwork, print it off and send it to her. Richard arrived at 10 a.m. and we squeezed in nine holes of golf at Wilton this morning. Richard actually got a birdie 2 on the 6th with an amazing putt. We both each got two pars as well. I think we could have done even better if we were not rushing - me to get ready to go over to Devizes for two meetings and him to attend a church meeting in Pitton. I received a very sad email today from one of my old Brighton clients and friends, Michael, to tell me that his mother, our good friend from the Bahamas, was terminally ill. I was very sad indeed to hear the news. She has been such a lovely and fun loving person and it was because of her and her equally delightful husband Gerry, (who died the same year as my own Dad) that I began my love affair with the Bahamas. She is moving to Devon to be with her son Gerald and I have decided that I must go down and see her as soon as I am back from our trip to Ireland. With this sad news still in my heart, and after trying unsuccessfully a couple of times to reach Michael, I set off for Devizes. I had two engagements there this afternoon and evening - first of all I popped into Aldridges, the Titanic artifacts experts, at their auction house to show Alan Aldridge the two Titanic items which Bruno W-B had acquired at a car boot sale in Sussex. The first was a facsimile of a White Star sailing poster which is extremely common and I had confirmed to be of little value. The second items was more interesting - deck plans allegedly from Harland & Wolff. This latter item proved to be a fake from a quite well known faker and the plans had been "aged" using tea stains. I thought as much and so wasn't disappointed. Back in Devizes town centre I had a mug of tea at a cafe before going to my meeting of the Wiltshire Installed Masters' Lodge. It was good to see old friends from around the province and we were treated to an excellent and very entertaining talk by the Grand Lodge Information Officer, Chris Connop, on the topic of Perceptions of Freemasonry. It was interesting that he felt that it was often easier to get politicians and the media to understand and accept freemasonry as an altruistic and good organisation than the church and he felt that some very fundamental churches were very hard to talk to. We ended the evening with an excellent meal of pate, roast lamb and vegetables, lemon meringue and cheese and biscuits. Tonight I checked us all in for the impending flight to Dublin whislt Sara watched a programme on the Turin Shroud. A very long, varied and emotional day. I will pray hard for Maureen (who is a faithful Roman Catholic) over the next few days/weeks.

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