Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Seriously Funny Day

Another day mainly at home today which is just as well as I picked up two new clients. Sara brought me up a cup of tea (our roles have reversed here as I am now usually the "teaee" whereas when I used to get up early to travel to work I was definitely the "teaer" - I know there are no such words but it is fun. Making up words like Adrian Plass's "venomynous" (a communication which is both venomous and anonymous) is a wonderful pastime. Unfortunately many people do it simply by misspelling or mishearing words when typing with some quite amusing results - once in a law firm the words "Head Lessor" were typed as the "Headless Horse" in the context of a letter which read "Before we can agree to you taking a lease of the shop, we need to get the permission of the headless horse". The mind boggles as to what possessed the typist to put such a thing in the letter unless the shop was in Sicily. But I digress. Whilst drinking my tea I read my daily devotions including a chapter of the Jeff Lucas/Adrian Plass book "Seriously Funny" which, amongst other things, discussed venomynous letters. The exchange in the book also talked about whether, when we say we are doing altruistic works, we are actually doing things for ourselves and seeking recognition for our own ego. I pondered on this as I ate breakfast and also prayed about it before the beginning of the Midweek Eucharist at St. John's. Do I do things for recognition as the motivator? Am I envious or jealous when others get recognition? The biggest shock to me today, then, was when Jane D stood up to take the Gospel Reading and Sermon and today's theme was the passage in Mark (10:35-40) where James and John request recognition. She preached on the very subject I had been pondering after reading one chapter of the Seriously Funny book in bed this morning (I nearly hadn't read it at all!). I told her afterwards about this and she was much pleased that the sermon had been relevant to me. Max came back for coffee and I continued my discussion on today's reading with her. Sara is now working each Wednesday morning at Morning Star - preparing food for the homeless banquet run later in the day. She ended up being a bit late this morning due to glitches with the computer being unable to get material to the printer for the Parish Magazine. After Max had gone I loaded a PDF-Create piece of software on to her laptop so she can convert documents to PDF in future. This seems to resolve her problem. This afternoon I had a 1-hour consultation session with a new client and also received an email from my former assistant, Nasir, who was surprised to learn that I had left my former company and was now working for myself. He had a colleague at work who had a relation with an employment problem and had recommended me - so two new clients in the space of an afternoon! It was really great to hear from Nasir. I had really enjoyed the year he worked for me - an honest, conscientious chap with a great sense of humour. We worked well together. The weather has turned cooler today and after I had mown the bank Tom and I went to Grateley to play a few holes of golf. Unlike Monday, I played really well with two pars amongst the first six holes - 2 par 3s and 4 x 4s. The last two holes were won by Tom after I fluffed the seventh and he fairly beat me on the eighth. If he keeps practising and slows down his swing he could be a useful golfer. When he hits the ball well he has the strength to carry it much further than I can. I really do hope that he can persevere. It really is a useful skill to have for the future - and great fun. Talking of fun, Sara and I ended the day watching "One Foot in the Grave" and found ourselves laughing fit to burst. It is good to laugh and have fun. I thoroughly support the Plass/Lucas philosophy that church, also, can and should have laughter at times.

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