Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Somerset and Church Affairs

Before breakfast this morning, but after the kids had gone off to school, Sara and I decided to get our daily exercise by cycling my 3-mile circular route to East Winterslow and back which requires a lot of stamina at the beginning to get up Gunville Hill and then is a fairly flat ride through East Winterslow and along Pincroft Lane (with its marvellous panoramic view across Salisbury Plain) and back home through Middle Winterslow Village. Poor Sara found it quite a struggle, not just Gunville Hill but the ride through East Winterslow too. It took us about an hour to complete the ride. I was pleased with the increased level of my fitness as I was able to get up most of Gunville Hill and also the sharp incline into Pincroft Lane without stopping. Unfortunately, in order to let Sara catch up, I needed to stop frequently which interrupted my momentum. Back home we had a late "brunch" of an omelette and coffee and I then drove across Salisbury Plain to Frome in Somerset to deliver Complex's books of account for 2008/2009 for Chris, my accountant, to complete the accounts for filing with Companies House and the taxman. I spent half an hour in Frome including doing some banking for Sara before returning home via Warminster, where I did some shopping at Lidl's. Back home, I mowed the bank again. It is looking rather lush and I am pleased with it. After a cup of tea, I went into Stone Close to collect the Christian Aid envelopes - a further 33 houses and managed to finish them all by 6.15 p.m. Again, I had a mixed bag of residents - some very generous and others less so! I had half an hour to shower and change before picking up Susan and James to take us all over to Whiteparish for the Joint Team PCC meetings at the primary school there. We had quite a lot of business to get through but the main items we dealt with were concerning Communications; Lay Worship Leaders (who will now be able to "talk" (not preach) as well as lead services; Lay Pastoral Assistants and Finances. Courses for LPAs and LWLs are expected to start in the Autumn and candidates will need to be identified. The meetings ended at 10.00 p.m. and I was back home by 10.30 p.m. Sara and I watched a programme about the search for the Holy Grail as well as discussing some of the issues facing our church. Sara invariably has some strong opinions on such matters and, like me, feels frustrated at times.

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