Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Meeting Old Friends in Sussex

This morning Sara went off to her Ladies that Latte in Salisbury and I spent the morning dealing with post and finalising my lecture. I left home at about 12.30 p.m. to go to Brighton to attend my Chapter meeting and deliver the lecture. The weather was very pleasant as I set off and I took the coastal route from Bognor Regis to Hove. I met Tom's godfather at Carat's Cafe, which overlooks the new Shoreham Power Station, for a cup of tea and a chat. I hadn't seen him for some years and he explained that he didn't come our way much but spent a lot of time up north and travelling and cruising abroad. We chatted for about an hour, mainly in the car park, before we went our separate ways again. I got to the Sussex Masonic Centre in Brighton in good time and attended the GPC before the main chapter meeting itself. I have agreed to take on the role of Second Principal next year although I will not be able to make the Installation Meeting because we'll be in the USA. It should be quite an easy year and it will help them out. I delivered my lecture tonight which went down well and we raised £45 for hope for Heroes. I dedicated the lecture to the memory of Boyd Neal who died a couple of weeks ago. There were only eight of us dining tonight - but that made for a nice intimate dinner with friends. The evening concluded at 9.15 p.m. and I was able to get back to Winterslow at around 11.15 p.m.

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