Monday, May 03, 2010

Bowled Over!

Bank Holiday Monday today, although for us retired folks it's another ordinary Monday except for having the kids around. We had a family breakfast of bacon muffins and fruit smoothies. Tom went off the the rec to play football. Richard came round at about 10.30 a.m. and we set off to deliver Conservative Party leaflets to all the houses in Saxon Leas. We completed the task in just under an hour returning home for coffee at just before 11.30 a.m. Sara went off with Cynthia, Rosemary, Gillian and others to a plant show at Longstock and I cooked beans on toast for the children's lunch and had a ham salad for myself. This afternoon we went to the Tenpin Bowling Alley in Southampton where we had one family game. I was winning quite convincingly when Sara got a strike and a spare and we ended up equal on 101. Mary came second behind us with 96 and Tom had 87. Tom was quite surprised and very disappointed to come last. We all went for a KFC afterwards. Tonight I printed off copies of my lecture on Ezra and Nehemiah which I shall be selling to those attending the lecture as a donation to Hope for Heroes. I am dedicating the lecture to the memory of Boyd Neal whose funeral I attended last week and who had been expected to attend the meeting tomorrow. I have also arranged to see Tom's godfather, Alan, in Southwick in the mid afternoon. I haven't seen him for ages. Sara is going to a Ladies that Latte meeting tomorrow afternoon so I'll probably set out a bit before lunchtime to be able to spend some time over in the Brighton area.

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