Thursday, May 06, 2010

General Election 2010

This morning, Sara went to Oasis Ladies Faith Group at St. Paul's in Salisbury while I stayed at home and wrote up my presentation for the Ambassadors' Group in Salisbury tomorrow morning. I prepared salad lunches for us both although I nearly lost mine when Emily the Cat stole the cold roast beef off my plate! Sara and I went to vote at just before 3 p.m. I then went around the village to pin up posters on telegraph poles for the Food for Thought service in the Village Hall on Sunday. Tonight we continued our House Group with a study of The Shack - this time discussing The Fall in the Garden of Eden and our perceptions of good and evil. Tonight, as I write this up, we are watching the Election Special programme at which stage there have been three declarations - all in the North East for Labour - which with the exit polls and an analysis of the swings suggests a hung Parliament with Conservatives having the most seats.

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