Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hot Runnings

Both Sara and I had work to go to today - in Sara's case it was her first day at Morning Star helping to make sandwiches for the food run in Salisbury for the homeless. All the ingredients come from Marks & Spencer who donate unsold sandwich materials to the charity. In my case, it was to see a new client in Chandler's Ford (the wife of one of my masonic colleagues) who is facing the prospect of redundancy from her local NHS Trust. We discovered, after Tom had left for school, that the French homework he needed to hand in this afternoon was still sitting on his computer's printer (the new one I had installed for him so that he didn't need ever to worry about his homework being late!). I dropped Sara off at Morning Star's premises in Tytherley Road (so that she could walk the three-quarters of a mile back home afterwards for exercise) and drove over to Chandler's Ford by way of Stockbridge so I could hand Tom's homework into the school office for him to pick up before his French lesson. I arrived at my client's home at 10.30 a.m. and spent two and a half hours with her and her husband. After the consultation I drove into Southampton to take some photos of three liners in today - Aurora, Mein Schiff and Sage Ruby. I drove on to the Town Quay and also Mayflower Park to take the photos. Back home this afternoon at 3 p.m., I wrote up yesterday's blog and mowed our back lawn. I also took Mary for a run along the path leading from the Rec. to the church and round the field to the north of the church. I haven't done any serious running for a while and felt like Eddie Izard must have felt after 26 miles except in my case it was more like 26 yards. My knee were hurting so my running was more of a power walk/jog. Still it gave me some much needed exercise. This evening, Sara and I watched another Alan Rickman film - Quigley Down Under - starring Alan and Tom Sellick. A good film which I hadn't seen before.

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