Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting Fitter and Looking Better

How these days seem to whizz by! Anyone who said I'd be bored in retirement has no idea - not that I am really retired now - with my consultancy and church matters taking up so much of my time. I wrote to my new client today in Liverpool who has sent me some work in preparing draft employment contracts for her staff in her fashion design business. Looking forward to getting my teeth in this. Sara had an induction at the gym today so I went along too and spent an hour with her. Managed some time on the treadmill, upright bike (much prefer a real bike as the scenery is more interesting) and a devilish contraption called a summit cross trainer - essentially an instrument of torture to replicate running up Mount Everest! After this, Sara dropped me off at the dentist where I spent half an hour in the waiting room before being called in for another half hour consultation with the dentist herself. We discussed and agreed (in principle) a plan to improve the appearance of my teeth by having four veneers made (three for my upper front teeth and one lower) a new plate for my missing front outer incisor and a filing of some of my lower teeth. This would mean a series of some seven or eight appointments and a lightening of my bank balance. Sara is all in favour of it being done - although it will be me who will have to spend a few hours in the dentist's chair. We had lunch together today at Wagamama's and ran a couple of errands before returning home. Richard wasn't available to play golf this afternoon so I took myself off to Grateley to practice my short game. The course was not as well kept as Wilton and I didn't play particularly well - although I did get three pars. My putting was reasonably good but my chip shots off the green left something to be desired. Tonight Sara went to St. Leonard's (near Bournemouth) to a Vie at Home regional meeting and Mary attended her drama class. I set about filing three annual returns for the three companies I still part-own in Brighton. Fortunately, the filing, although a bit of a laborious exercise, went ahead without any hitches. I have another trip to Brighton tomorrow, staying overnight with Peter, and then a meeting in Dorchester with a client on Wednesday. It's good to keep busy.

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