Friday, May 07, 2010

A Hung Parliament

Very little sleep last night as I stayed up until nearly 4 a.m. hoping that the General Election Results would end with a straight majority for the Conservatives. As at the time I went to bed, the Conservatives has overtaken Labour with the number seats won but were not winning all the marginals necessary to assure them of a clear majority in the House of Commons. A hung Parliament looked a distinct possibility. Knowing that I was giving a presentation at the Ambassadors' Business Group at 7.30 a.m. I decided to try and get a couple of hours sleep. When I awoke, the political situation had not changed other than the fact that it looked almost certain now that there would be no overall majority for any party but Conservatives would clearly have the most seats of any party in the House of Commons. After showering I attended Ambassadors' at the Grasmere House Hotel where I gave my presentation about Employment Tribunals. I felt really tired but managed to talk for about 10 minutes and took quite a number of questions afterwards. I called in at the Cash n' Carry on my way home and stocked up with wines and beers and soft drinks together with potatoes and sausages for the Food for Thought service on Sunday afternoon. I met Roger there stocking up with goodies for the Lord Nelson's Arms. Tom was unwell today and Sara had to go to Stockbridge to pick him up from school. I had a midday snooze for a couple of hours and Richard called around at 3 pm. to go and play golf at Wilton. It was a lovely afternoon - dry with a cool breeze. Although I was still a little tired the fresh air, golf and good company made for a really pleasant afternoon. I got a couple of pars and used some of my higher clubs with some success. No great strokes today but we both managed to have a respectable round - nothing horrendous but nothing brilliant either. Although I reached the green twice from the tee, poor putting let me down. Still it's better than being in an office! Back home I felt too tired for anything much to eat so I chilled out tonight catching up with some TV programmes I had recorded but hadn't seen - some going back a few months. Went to bed relatively early tonight - 11.15 p.m. Still no Government at the end of the day but the Conservatives and Liberals are, at least, talking to each other.

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