Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cool Runnings

Sara woke me this morning complaining that she couldn't see because of something in her eye. I made tea and washed her eyes with saline solution. Fortunately a tiny piece of some gritty material was washed out - looked like a dried piece of mascara. I cooked pancakes for Mary and Molly and Sara became a little concerned that Tom had done a "Reggie Perrin" when, after he had left for school, she found his school shoes and uniform still in the house. The answer came, after a call to the school, that the pupils were wearing "mufti" today as part of a charity fundraising day. Sara decided not to go to her Oasis meeting at St. Paul's this morning so stayed at home to finish off the ironing. I went into Salisbury briefly to get my hair cut and buy some Velcro to fix my new masonic badge to my dress apron. I just had time for a quick lunch of smoked haddock chowder and a baked potato before I cycled over to Richard's for the Parish Standing Committee Meeting. This lasted about two hours and touched upon a good many topics including an in depth look at the finances. Unfortunately, it meant that our proposed golf this afternoon has been postponed until tomorrow. Tonight, the House Group met to watch and discuss the film "Cool Runnings" - an excellent film well loved by the children - about the Jamaican bobsled team in Calgary Winter Olympics.

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