Friday, May 21, 2010

A Hot Day

An early start this morning as I was attending Ambassadors' at the Grasmere House Hotel for breakfast today. The presentation this morning was given by Dr. Karen Janes who runs an energy healing clinic in Salisbury. I also discussed Sarah M's situation with a family lawyer there and she was able to give me some good advice to pass on to Sarah. I arrived back home at 10 a.m. and just had enough time to change, have a coffee and check on some emails from clients before Richard and I went odd to Wilton to play nine holes of golf. It was swelteringly hot as we arrived at the golf centre and we were glad that we only had time to play nine holes today as eighteen is likely to have been too much. I was very pleased indeed with my standard of driving off the tee and was hitting them long and straight, reaching the green in a few cases. My chipping onto the green let me down though and I found myself getting 4s where pars were a distinct possibility. We stopped off for lunch at the Bishopdown again - scampi and chips and a nice cold Carlsberg beer. This afternoon I was supposed to be having a telephone meeting with my new Liverpool in client but she was still travelling back from Bristol and so we have postponed the meeting until Tuesday afternoon. Tonight Sara had a Vie party in Amesbury and managed to get her self lost on the way back!! I took the children up to and back from the youth club at Barry's Fields Club House. They had a fantastic time. Over 100 of the children in the village now attend it. here was a Praise Service at East Grimstead this evening which I believe was attended by about 25 people (4 from Winterslow). Reports are that it was a very good event. Went to bed quite late tonight after watching an interesting programme about the Icelandic and Monserrat Volcano eruptions.

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