Monday, May 17, 2010

Crusades and Christian Aid

I found it difficult to get up this morning - largely because of a late night last night. After breakfast, Sara and I went down to the gym for an hour before doing some light shopping in Tesco's. We ate a light lunch of sweet potato soup with a crusty roll. We watched a very interesting programme about the history and downfall of the Knights Templar - this had been the subject of the novel I read out in Nassau last October - and I enjoyed remembering some of the interesting background to the story, especially as I had researched a good deal of the detail when I returned from the Bahamas. Tomorrow sees the anniversary of the Fall of Antioch which led to the beginning of the end for the KTs. This afternoon I downloaded the printer programmes onto Tom's laptop so that he can now print off his homework on his printer but can also use ours for any scanning or if his printer has any problems (I can see running out of ink being the prime one!) Even this task wasn't without its difficulties as I found the printer had not been supplied with a USB cable which I then had to go and purchase from PC World for another £10. They get you all ways! This evening I collected Christian Aid envelopes from Youngs Paddock and Weavers Close - the exercise took about an hour and a half as some people wanted to chat about my flagpole and flags and I received quite a number of positive comments about the articles I write in the Parish Magazine. There were also a few less amiable people but by and large everybody was pleasant. Tonight I prepared my Company's accounts for the accountant and will deliver the books of account to his office in Frome tomorrow. They need to be filed with Companies House by the end of June. We did very little trading last financial year and so it will not be a very long task. Helga called round this evening for me to certify a copy of her passport. Feeling quite tired now - a lot of walking and "gyming" today.

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