Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Car/Parish Fete

Woke up early this morning and after making tea for Sara and myself read my usual daily devotionals before getting up properly. I wrote a couple of letters before breakfast (my mind being freshest at this time of the day, and had a pancake with Mary. Sara, Tom and Mary went into Salisbury just before 10 a.m. and I went over to the village hall to take over some of the bric-a-brac and the dartboard for my Darts Stall. I couldn't stay long as I had to get into Salisbury to visit the Mercedes garage to hand over my current C-Class car and take delivery of my new A-Class one. That process took the best part of two hours after dealing with all the paperwork and having a short driving lesson on how to use the automatic parking device - quite scary - yes the car will actually park itself into narrow gaps and you have to have the faith in the technology to let go of the steering wheel and let it do a "Herbie". I guess it's a bit like being a pilot of a jetliner and landing at London Heathrow by "wire"! It's truly a weird sensation. The longest period of time of the whole session was pairing up my new Blackberry with the wireless handsfree of the car. The car kept refusing to accept Sara's mobile number into its memory although it accepted other people's! Seems to be telling me something? After all the lessons and paperwork, I finally got to drive it home with only half an hour before the Parish Fete was to open. I still need to have lunch and then rush over to set up the stall. Mary presented a bunch of flowers to Cynthia, who opened the fete (see photo). It was hot and muggy. Sara was inside the cool village hall with her Vie and Home pampering stall while my own stall was outside a little away from the other stalls for health and safety reasons. Unfortunately, I think many people didn't see us but we made a profit of £9 which wasn't bad when you consider that we were only charging 10p a go. No prizes won by us this year in the Prize Draw. After we had packed up, I drove us all in the new car to Carlo's for ice-creams. A long hot day today and a lot of effort for not a lot of money for the fete (Sara made £6 with her makeover stall). It remains hot and muggy again tonight.

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