Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It has come at last - the snow! Although threatened over the last few days, the snow finally fell this morning sufficiently to cover the ground with a fine powdering at first and later in heavier flakes. I decided that my trip to Birmingham today was probably not such a good idea - not that I thought I couldn't get there but I was concerned that as I would be driving back very late at night, the freezing conditions and slippery roads may make driving hazardous. I therefore phoned Tony and told him that I would not be going. This meant that I could now take Ben out for his walk this lunchtime. It was bitterly cold and the snow was falling as I set out with Ben to walk the route we did yesterday but in the opposite direction. Up at the barns we met David C with one of his Labradors, Alfie and we walked together along the top of the field opposite our house. Sara prepared hot mulligatawny soup and pitta bread for lunch which was most welcome. This afternoon I set about writing out Christmas cards and looking at some further paperwork sent to me by a client. Sara cooked cottage pie for supper and then left us to attend another Vie party in Salisbury. I need to get up early tomorrow as I have a dental appointment at 8.30 a.m. and a meeting with a client in town at 10.30 a.m. My veneers should be ready for my top three teeth so I am a little apprehensive as to how they will look.

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